IBCC Statement on the Legacy of Elder Dave Courchene
December 8, 2021
Seattle: Wednesday, December 8, 2021 : The member groups of the International Boreal Conservation Campaign were deeply saddened by the passing of Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Elder Dave Courchene).
Among Elder Courchene’s many gifts to the world, he provided wise and extensive counsel to IBCC’s leadership and led a formal ceremony of our partnership with the Indigenous Leadership Initiative. Throughout our friendship, he generously and patiently shared his wisdom with us, advancing our understanding of Indigenous knowledge and wisdom and stewardship of life on earth. We will be forever grateful.
IBCC Director Steve Kallick offered these thoughts:
“Elder Dave Courchene was a remarkable visionary, leader, teacher and person. His wisdom and insight into our relationships each other, our planet, and our creator was simply unparalleled. He freely shared his profound knowledge and observations with anyone who sought greater understanding. We were blessed to be connected with him during his life and will cherish our memories of his teachings.”
At Turtle Lodge, signing the Statement of Relationship between the Indigenous Leadership Initiative and IBCC.