Canada Makes Historic Investment in Conservation, Recognizes Indigenous Stewardship
April 19, 2021
International Boreal Conservation Campaign
Thaidene Nëné Indigenous Protected Area, Northwest Territories. Credit: Pat Kane Photo
Ottawa: Mon. April 19, 2021: Today, the Government of Canada has announced an historic $2.3 billion in investments to conserve lands and waters, an almost doubling of similar investments in Budget 2018.
Steve Kallick, the director of the International Boreal Conservation Campaign, made the following statement:
“We welcome Canada’s new investments in nature conservation, which can help sustain lands on the scale that people and nature require.”
“We are happy to see Canada recognize the central role of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and Indigenous Guardians programs in achieving conservation targets. Indigenous Nations across the country are advancing the most ambitious plans for conserving lands and waters.”
“Supporting Indigenous stewardship can help make Canada an international leader in biodiversity and climate action. In fact, the emerging system of Indigenous-led conservation in Canada is potentially the most important global model for protecting nature and people.”
“Many Indigenous Nations are working to conserve the Boreal Forest. The boreal is the largest intact forest and the most important terrestrial carbon storehouse on the planet. Budget 2021 will help ensure the boreal can continue to sustain biodiversity and the climate for generations to come.”
Media Contact: Sean Durkan: (613-851-2151)
The International Boreal Conservation Campaign is a collaboration of multiple organizations that has been working for two decades on the shared goal of balancing strong protections and responsible development throughout the Boreal Forest.